Launch NetLoop and use Load ConfigThe Profiles Feature lets youeasilyswitchbetweenconfigurations when using NetLoopEnjoy!!.open the share menu of the file manager and select"usefileasconfig"OR.locate the received file using any file manager ofyourchoice.System wide proxy serviceif you are to use this app with the proxyserverfeature,makesure that the device's proxy serverfeatureisdisabled.to use a received config.json fileasthecurrentsetting:.ability to share configurations throughanyfiletransfermethod.ability to choose number of connections to be maintainedbytheapp(good for power management).provide alternate headers and ability to stripheadersfromincominghttp responses.specify alternate proxy servers to send a request through.Ability to use multiple concurrent connections to theVPNserversforthe best Network usage experienceLocal server features:.Ability to use hotspot over VPN ( Requires root ).Ability to modify TCP connection parameters.Failure to do this will cause Some ofyourapps not togothrough the VPNVPN features: it is notprovidedforsecuritybut for tunneling purposes.if you are using NetLoop's proxy serveroptionpleasemakeremove any existing proxy server address inyourdevice'sAPNsettings. NetLoop is formerlyknownasSimpleAndroid ServerThis app contains a Proxy Server and aFreeVPN.The VPN is not a full featured VPN.

The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner.

This application is not affiliated in any waywith Mojang AB. Enjoy and share withyour friends!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocket Edition. THIS IS A MAP CATALOG FOR IT.With MineMaps: Maps for Minecraft PE you can browse over150 awesome Minecraft maps, install them in just onetap and play right away!Just select map you like, click "Download" and then click "Play" -you are all set! - Minecraft app will open automatically with yournew map installed & ready to play!Each map has brief description, screenshot, and some of maps haveYoutube video, which you can watch right in the app! Click on"Author" button to go to map creator's page, where you can finddetailed description of a map and credits.You will find all kind of maps: Survival, Adventure, Puzzle,Parkour, Creation, Games and others!MineMaps offers best Minecraft maps. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE MINECRAFT PEGAME.